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The 14th edition of the Salon des Études en France

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đź“… Mark your calendars for November 14 and 15, 2023! đź“Ť Join us at the esteemed Hotel Tour Hassan in Rabat. This event is a must if you’re considering pursuing further studies in France.

🎓 Secure your spot by registering now at We’re excited to welcome you to the Salon des Études en France.

9,000 visitors come each year, a satisfaction rate of 94% collected during surveys, and 89% of students saying they are sure of their interest in continuing their studies in France. Over the years, SEF Maroc has been at the origin of a new form of orientation and recruitment, an innovative and constantly renewed structure in order to offer future students a complete information hub.

The online Studies in France fair offers Moroccan students from across the national territory the opportunity to exchange live and remotely with around twenty French higher education establishments (universities, engineering schools, commerce, art schools, etc.) from a computer, tablet or smartphone and to find out about the different training courses offered in order to better prepare their study project without having to travel.

List of establishments participating in the show this year: Multidisciplinary establishments/Universities:

Établissements pluridisciplinaires/ UniversitĂ©s :

Écoles de commerce et de Management :

Écoles d’ingĂ©nieurs :

Écoles d’art :

Autograf, école d’art

Associations et organismes d’accompagnement de la jeunesse (participants en France) :

  • Association Étudiants et Cadres AlgĂ©riens de France (ECAF)
  • Le Centre d’Information et de Documentation Jeunesse (CIDJ)
  • Association Expotentiel 3V (orientation et insertion professionnelle)
  • Association Le Sel de la Vie (lutte contre les inĂ©galitĂ©s)
  • StudiAva, startup française permettant aux lycĂ©ens de Première et de Terminale de trouver leur orientation en se basant sur leurs compĂ©tences, leurs envies et leurs aspirations
  • Midljob, application web et mobile de matching job (mise en relation des candidats avec les entreprises)

For additional details, feel free to reach out to us at đź“ž +212 7 70 000 140. See you there!

Originally posted 2023-11-16 17:21:35.

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