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ECOLEXIA competition 🌳 🍂

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The Ecolexia competition, dedicated exclusively to environmental law, is open to 1st and 12th-grade students in the French education network in Morocco. This project aligns with our values, emphasizing education and sustainable development.

Participating secondary schools include Al Jabr, Descartes, Léon l’Africain, La Résidence, Lyautey, Malraux, Massignon, Maupassant, Regnault, and Victor Hugo high schools.

The competition aims to develop students’ oral skills and ability to argue, with professionals and advocacy experts (lawyers, judges, magistrates) providing preparation and training.

A partnership with the AESVT association includes students from Moroccan partner schools in the oratorical joust, emphasizing the importance of ecological issues.

ECOLEXIA, exclusively for 1st and 12th-grade students in the French education network in Morocco, offers excellent oral skills development and preparation for the Grand Oral. Selected students undergo training by law and eloquence experts.

How to participate?

Send a 1-minute video presenting the chosen theme to In the email, specify: last name, first name, class, establishment, and theme.

What’s the calendar?

The competition unfolds in 3 phases + 2 training courses:

  • December 2023: Submit a 1-minute video before 12/12/2023.
  • January 2024: Training by legal experts with 20 preselected students.
  • March 2024: Submit an 8-minute video before 03/18/2024.
  • April 2024: Training by law and eloquence experts for the 8-9 finalists.
  • May 20, 2024: Grand final in Meknes.

🌿Calling all first and final-year students from French high schools in Morocco! Engage in a moot court competition centered around environmental issues and law. Join us to explore and debate crucial environmental topics. Scan the QR Code in the regulations for more information. 🌍 Dive into environmental law, make an impact, and showcase your knowledge and passion for a sustainable future. For competition inquiries, contact Lycée Paul Valéry: or”

Originally posted 2023-11-16 17:00:46.

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